Snow Kiting

Snow Kiting

Snow kiting is another of my favorite winter sports. All you need is an open field with no power lines, a little bit of snow (four inches is perfect), and some wind.

One of the beauties of snow kiting is that it’s often just you, alone in the middle of a snow-covered field, trying to harness nature’s energy. You’re just gliding back and forth, letting the wind, kite, and skis move you across the terrain. There’s no lift ticket, no lift lines, no crowded, icy slope to negotiate. It’s a freedom you can’t find at the ski resort.

A favorite stash of mine is a soccer field near the Concord Correctional Institute. I love to pull up, roll out the kite, pop on my skis, throw on some Johnny Cash, and go. Now that I’ve let out the secret, maybe I’ll see you out there sometime?

By Luke Foley

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