Quincy Quarry Bouldering Project

Quincy Quarry Bouldering Project

When I started rock climbing, my gear consisted of a pair purple 5.10 Spires. Eager to climb, but lacking any other equipment, I bouldered. My first “real” problem: a 50 foot traverse from a small but solid stance in a cave on what I later learned was Quincy Quarry’s “N Wall.”

Since those early days, I’ve evolved as a climber. Now, my disciplines include sport, trad and ice. I guide some too and even have a “home wall” in the basement. But throughout all of it, I’ve regularly found myself returning to the Quarries, spending many a weeknight circuit training on the established “classics,” working a “new” bouldering problem, or trying to link a traverse of one of the Quarry’s “lettered” walls.

Although boulderers are (and always will be) the minority within the often-crowded Quincy Quarry top-rope scene, there are still some problems and traverses worth sending. Most though aren’t listed in Boston Rocks, the seminal guide book for the Quarries. And for those that are, the descriptions have been considerably altered by the recent resurgence of spray-painting and, more recently, an abundance of poison ivy.

Of all these walls, O Wall is my favorite spot to boulder at Quincy and the first one that I’ll feature. Check it out.

By Doug Martland

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