All tagged biking

60 On The Circuit

The last couple weekends Mickey Spades and I have resumed our travels on the Bay Circuit Trail. One Saturday we rode a 40-mile lollipop loop, beginning in Hanson and then looping through Pembroke, Kingston, and Duxbury. The next Saturday we rode “Map 9” through Sherborn and Medfield, which offered 20 miles of almost continuous riding on single and double track—the best riding we’ve found on the BCT yet! Here’s the story of the two rides in eight pictures.

Riding High at Vermont's Little River

If you've never biked Little River in Vermont's Waterbury State Park, you're missing out. With 10+ minutes of continuous downhill on amazing machine-built berms and some sick doubles and drops, Little River is on my short list of places to ride in the Northeast. And because every obstacle is marked and usually has a B line, anyone—even Doug—can have a great day on this rider-friendly trail. It's a great place to spread your wings and learn to fly if you so choose.

Ditch Your Pack and Get Sendy

The best part of pack-less riding is that you can do it using any bike jersey with rear pockets. So stash your snacks in one, the tool bag in another, and the extra layer and phone (with its built in camera) in the third. With the tube and C02 strapped to the frame and fluid in the bottle holders you’ll be good to go. See you on the trails!

My Favorite Mountain Bike Trails of 2018

With the 2018 mountain biking season coming to close, at least for me, it’s the perfect time to reflect on what was a fantastic year of riding. This year one of my main mountain biking goals was to explore more—which meant everything from visiting new trail systems to simply investigating new parts of well-traveled trail networks. With that in mind, here are my 5 favorite trails—in reverse order—that I rode for the first time this year.

Ricky Bobby & A Reason to Ride

For the past five years, I have ridden my bicycle in the Beth Isreal Deaconess A Reason to Ride—a charity bike ride that raises money for cancer research—in support of my best friend’s wife who is living with, and fighting, brain cancer. In the wake of such an inspiring event, you might think I would feel moved to write about how the minor suffering we endure on the bike is nothing compared to what the people we ride for go through every day in their battle against cancer—in fact, I have here—or how uplifting it is to see people from all different backgrounds and fitness levels come together to support their loved ones. Sadly, the truth is that the ride brings all of my worst instincts to the surface.

The Expanding Kingdom

Despite my frustrations and occasional yearning for the past, I love what Kingdom Trails has become. Kingdom Trails has become a hub (pardon the pun) for mountain biking in the Northeast and a gathering place for the tribe. With trails suitable for riders of all levels, it’s a place that attracts beginners and experts alike. And, with more bikes than cars during the riding season, they’ve created an infectious atmosphere for cycling. But what I like most of all, is Mike’s Tiki Bar.