All tagged goeast

Surf Station: Mid-Winter 2019

Before the snow started dumping, Doug and Tim had a great time climbing Flume and Silver Cascades, doing some research for an upcoming goEast piece on moderate ice climbs in Crawford Notch. Their friend Nick joined them that day. Look for him in some of the pics in the article as well as on Tim’s Instagram (@Timjpeck).

Surf Station: Happy New Year

We’re psyched that Tim and Doug’s piece “1927” was featured in the Winter 2019 issue of Wild Northeast. Skiing the Carriage Road on New Hampshire’s Mt. Moosilauke is one of our favorite winter outings, and Tim and Doug’s piece weaves the history of skiing racing on the Carriage Road into a story of their ascent and descent of the mountain. If you haven’t seen it yet, be sure to grab a copy at your local gear shop. And if you’re not able to find a hard copy, you can get the piece by clicking on the link above or the whole magazine by signing up for a free digital subscription.

Surf Station: Mid-December

Skiing is awesome. So is ice climbing. And between us, we’ve had some pretty good days out in the past couple of weeks. Most notable was a fantastic early-December day skiing on Mount Washington. The conditions were so good that even Mickey Spades brushed off the summer wax off his skis and joined us.

Surf Station: Thanksgiving Edition

Now that we’re both back from climbing trips—Tim from a bouldering trip in Alabama and Doug from a Thanksgiving trip to Red Rock—there’s no denying that the holidays are here. Christmas lights are everywhere, the radios waves are blasting Christmas songs, and our inboxes are filled with holiday deals. Our writing reflects it too. We’ve written a series of holiday-themed gift guides for goEast, the first of which—a winter-themed Mt. Washington Hiking Gift Guide—published Thanksgiving week. A second, this time Mt. Monadnock-themed, came out this week. We also did a very wintery piece on How to Choose Crampons.

Surf Station: Late-Summer 2018

Last summer, while working with Tim on several goEast pieces about hiking Vermont’s 4,000-footers, I ended up hiking four of the five peaks (MansfieldCamel’s HumpEllen, and Abraham) in a 24-hour period. Having done four so casually, it was only natural to wonder if we could do those four and Killington (Vermont’s fifth 4,000-footer) in the same amount of time. Well, a couple months ago, we did. Vermont Sports Magazine has the story of our very-humid adventure in its September issue. Look for a print copy at locations around Vermont, or check out the digital version here.